Carbon Neutral and Climate Positive Shoots


So stocked to announce that we are able to make all our production and shoot days fully carbon neutral as well as planting trees.

We calculate the average carbon usage across all travel, and electricity expenditure of a shoot and offset this amount through purchasing the equivalent or more carbon credits.

The credits are purchased via The Kasigau Corridor project in south-eastern Kenya which covers 500,000 acres and avoids 1.7million tonnes of CO2e every year. Their credits are certified according to the Verified Carbon Standard, which ensures both additionality (meaning the CO2e savings would not happen without the project being in place) and lack of leakage (referring to a project pushing deforestation and degradation onto another area). They have 429 sample plots that are randomly checked every year, measuring the carbon levels in both the trees and soil, with all 429 plots checked every five years. 

In addition, the project has to adhere to the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard so that their project not only addresses climate change but also benefits local communities and smallholders, and conserves biodiversity.

This is just one step along an exciting journey, looking forward to implementing the other green measures as we progress.

Kai Bastard